Let’s grow together.
The FJT blog is a resource to provide ongoing education for topics related to your child’s development. Keep us bookmarked for helpful information about clinical research, tips & tricks, activities at home, and more.
Best Toys and Games That Facilitate Speech and Language Development
The Holidays are around the corner, so here are some recommendations for games and apps that facilitate learning and language development. And best of all, they are FUN!
The benefits of searching for “speech therapy near me”
Searching for “speech therapy near me” can lead you to a SLP in your community who is willing to provide in-home therapy. In-home therapy can offer many benefits that may be worth considering for some populations.
Speech development milestones
When parents learn that I am a speech pathologist, they are quick to ask me questions about their child’s development. I always welcome these questions, and I love that my profession allows me to share advice with so many wonderful parents. Check out this list of speech milestones for kids from birth through 5 years old.
What actually is Speech Therapy?
You’ve noticed your child isn’t communicating effectively, can’t say his or her R’s, or has been recommended by a doctor or teacher to consult with a Speech Therapist (all examples). It’s all uncharted territory for you as a parent, so what exactly IS speech therapy and what should you expect?
Skills your child needs before saying first words
Before a child says their first words, he/she typically acquires certain prerequisite skills related to communication and language development. Here are some tips for growing the skill that lay the foundation for speech and language production.
Trouble with picky eaters?
Picky eating can make mealtime stressful. Check out these 10 tips for improving picky eating and making mealtime fun again.
Why is a straw cup better than a spouted cup?
With so many options available these days, here are 5 reasons why you should consider a straw cup over a spouted/sippy cup.
5 techniques to help your child say more words
Try these 5 techniques to communicate more effectively with your child and help him or her to say more words.